Can a very high testosterone level cause back acne

« ...Although the actual reasons for the onset of acne are unknown, the reason why acne causes the symptoms that you experience are well known and the treatment you receive basically depends on those symptoms or form of acne that you develop. With proper care and treatment, there is a good chance that your acne condition can be managed successfully....
...To conclude the more holistic your approach the better your odds of success plus your time will be spent proactively and productively by improving your overall health....»
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«...Natural treatment choices are continually expanding. People are becoming much more aware of the natural environment and their responsibilities to Mother Nature and the planet earth. If a natural acne cure is available locally, its use would certainly be beneficial as product packaging and transportation costs will be reduced. Check your local area for creams and lotions which may provide a solution....»
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tags: how to treat acne during pregnancy, what foods are bad for acne, adult acne care for sensitive skin